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2030 Baltimore County Master Plan Input Meeting

Mon, May 17


Webex Meeting

Baltimore County District 1 & 4 Master Plan community input meeting

Registration is Closed
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2030 Baltimore County Master Plan Input Meeting
2030 Baltimore County Master Plan Input Meeting

Time & Location

May 17, 2021, 6:30 PM

Webex Meeting


About the Event

Dear Baltimore County Resident or Stakeholder, We’re developing Baltimore County’s 2030 Master Plan, and we need your help.  At the heart of this process is the idea that local government should invest more – and more thoughtfully, in its people and infrastructure. Baltimore County Master Plan 2030 will have three over-arching themes: Equity, Sustainability, and Vibrant Communities. We need you to tell us what these themes mean to you in order take the first steps toward creating a plan for Baltimore County in 2030.

Please consider taking a few minutes to take the Baltimore County Master Plan 2030 Survey. Your input will guide the vision and strategies for the County over the next decade as we build for the future.

Make sure you also add the Master Plan 2030 Kick-off Meetings to your calendar! Monday, May 17th for Council District 1 & 4 @ 6:30pm

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