Meet the Candidates for Governor of Maryland
April 25, 2022
The election year is upon us. If you have not had the opportunity to view the election signs on the streets, or front yards, here's an opportunity to get to know a little about the candidates. Sixteen candidates have filed to run for governor.
On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, the Randallstown NAACP is inviting the community to a scheduled Zoom meeting to meet the candidates for governor of Maryland. The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. According to the Maryland State Board of Elections website, the following candidates have filed to to run in the next election to replace outgoing 2 term governor, Larry Hogan, who is constitutionally prohibited to run again for governor.
David Lashar, Libertarian (Candidacy for General Election Only)
Kyle Sefcik, Unaffiliated (Candidacy for General Election Only)
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