Mayfield Community Association
Our Mission Statement:
"Create an organized and unified voice for neighborhood improvements, build a spirit of community pride, friendship and inclusion for all neighbors and residents, develop long lasting relationships with local businesses, county government and schools"
Our Activities
General meetings will be held in February, June, October - Location TBA -
Annual Community Clean Up - September 30, 2023; 8 am - 11 am - volunteers needed
Volunteer Opportunities
Block Captains:
Mayfield Avenue - Avis Lambert
Courtleigh Drive, Parks Lane, Remington Ave - Sadie Henriques
Mayfield Ave. - Karen Carter
Lages Lane - Thelma Daniels
St. James Rd - Andrea Wilson
Maymeadow Ct - Teress Stokes
The Mayfield Sign grounds maintenance/beautification.
Welcoming Committee
Please observe our neighborhood rules:
Absolutely, no littering
Observe the neighborhood speed limits to protect our neighbors
Leash Law- all dogs must be leashed if not in a fenced yard. Please clean up after your dog:
Membership Donation
$20 per household annually
Code Enforcement
The MCA, Inc. has partnered with the CCACGR (Combined Communities Advocacy Group of Greater Randallstown) to
ensure that businesses are compliant with enforcing the County’s zoning, building and related codes. Our assigned Sector is the even-side of the 8200 block of Liberty Road. If you see code violations, please report them to: Ken Myers at:
Baltimore County Residential Code Enforcement: Call 311
Our Executive Board Members
President: Teressa Stokes –
1st Vice President: Open and Recruiting
2nd Vice President: Galina Ziskin –
Secretary: Karen Carter –
Treasurer: Denise L. Price –
Baltimore County Outreach & Resource Information
Officer Kristie Makowiecki:
Baltimore County non-emergency number: 410-887-2200
Collection, Trash and Recycling Materials: 410-887-2000
Baltimore County Dept. of Aging: 410-887-2954
Grass Cutting for County spaces: 410-887-3560
"A few pics from our Meet and Greet 1-2 mile walking challenge event called "Walk It Out" at Randallstown Library on August 20, 2022.