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Cheryl Pasteur for Baltimore County School Board

"Teaching is the greatest act of optimism."

Colleen Wilcox

Education has been my world for over forty years. As a graduate of both University of Maryland, College Park and Morgan State University and earning Administration and Supervision certification from Loyola University, the importance of serving children has never been lost on me. This journey began in 1971 in the Baltimore City School System. Over the many years, I have been an English and theater teacher in both Baltimore City and Baltimore County Schools, middle and high school levels, as well as an English chair and specialist in the Equity Office in Baltimore County Schools. Fused with this is the distinction of being a part of the original administrative team at both Carver Center for the Arts and Sudbrook Middle Magnet School in Baltimore County. Included on this path is the time spent as an instructor at both the University of Pittsburgh and Morgan State University. I have, also, served as the assistant principal at Randallstown High School and the principal at both Old Court Middle School and Randallstown High School from where I retired in 2012. Since retirement, I have worked tirelessly with the System’s hierarchy, parents, other community stakeholders, and elected officials to bring equity and parity to the children in all the communities in this county.

THE SCHOOL BOARD must be a part of the system’s collective team advocating for the children, staff, and faculty in Baltimore County Schools! Funding for our students/schools must be addressed to give ALL students a balanced and equitable opportunity to meet their intellectual and social potential with well trained, retained, and financially supported faculty and staff. Programs to support, engage, and expand the intellectual prowess of students, continuous and current staff development, and support services for students and staff must be funded to address the needs and potential of every child. There must be demonstration of and respect for the professionalism of faculty/staff members in every school. Funds must be levied to ensure that schools are safe and healthy environments in which to learn and work. Relationships between parents, community representatives, board members, system associations, system hierarchy, and elected officials must be forged to support all systemic initiatives and funding efforts to support our greatest treasures, our children.


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