Looking For Prayer Walk Participants and Partners
August 12, 2022

October 7-10, 2022 is National Faith and Blue Weekend. National Faith & Blue Weekend facilitates safer and stronger communities by engaging law enforcement officers and local residents through the connections of faith-based organizations. On Saturday, October 8th, New Vision for Life Church will be organizing a prayer walk with the possibility of having a cookout afterwards. They are looking to get other faith based institutions, and community groups involved as well. If you are interested in helping make this event a success, please contact:
Officer Alisha Helphenstine #3872
Woodlawn Community Outreach Team
To learn more, you can join the Zoom meeting on Monday, August 15th at 7pm by clicking the button or link below using Meeting ID: 884 3414 4640 and passcode: 300935.
Please share with family, friends, and neighbors. Don't forget to subscribe at www.4410online.com