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Maryland Local Elections Results

Bryen Glass


The primary election is now over. Unfortunately, the report is that there was a very low overall voter turnout. There were some very tight races but the voters have spoken. Now those candidates, who are not unopposed, are set to begin their campaigning for the general election in November. Here are the election results for our area.

Elected Office

Democratic Primary Winners

Republic Primary Winners

Baltimore County Council 1st District

​Patrick Young Jr.

Albert Nalley

Baltimore County Council 2nd District

Izzy Patoka

James Amos

Baltimore County Council 4th District

Julian E. Jones Jr.

Kim Bryant

Baltimore County Executive

John Olszewski Jr.

Pat McDonough

Baltimore County States Attorney

Scott Shellenberger

James A. Haynes

Baltimore County Clerk of the Circuit Court

Julie Ensor

Brian A. Campbell

Baltimore County Register of Wills

Alexis Burrell-Rohde

Lauren Castro

Baltimore County Sheriff

R. Jay Fisher

Andy Kuhl

Baltimore County 1st District School Board

Robin Harvey


Baltimore County 2nd District School Board

Jane E. Lichter


Baltimore County 4th District School Board

Brenda Hatcher-Savoy


MD 10th District House of Delegates

Adrienne A. Jones

N. Scott Phillips

Jennifer White

Patricia R. Fallon

Jordan Porompyae

MD 44A House of Delegates

​Eric Ebersole

Joseph D. "Joe" Hooe

MD 44B House of Delegates

Sheila Ruth

Alethia McCaskill


MD 10th District Senate

Ben Brooks

William Newton

MD 44 District Senate

Charles E. Sydnor III


MD Comptroller

Brooke Elizabeth Lierman

Barry Glassman

MD Attorney General

Anthony G. Brown

Michael Anthony Peroutka

MD Governor

Wes Moore and Aruna Miller

Kelly Schulz and Jeff Woolford

U.S. Representative 2nd District

C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger

Nicolee Ambrose

U.S. Representative 7th District

​Kwiesi Mfume

Scott M. Collier

U.S. Senate

Chris Van Hollen

Chris Chaffee

Please share with family, friends, and neighbors. Encourage everyone to register to vote and vote by mail-in ballot, early voting or at the general election polling station. It is the civic duty of all of us. If you don't vote, don't complain.

To vote by mail, you must request a mail-in ballot from the State Board of Elections or your local board. Your request for a mail-in ballot for the Gubernatorial General Election must be received by November 1, 2022.

Mail-in ballots must be postmarked or placed in a designated ballot drop box by 8 pm on November 8, 2022 for the Gubernatorial General Election.

To vote in person, Marylanders can vote during early voting or on election day:

• Early voting will be held for 8 days and begin on Thursday, October 27, 2022 through Thursday, November 3, 2022 from 7 am until 8 pm for the Gubernatorial General Election. You can vote early at any early voting center in the county you live in.

• The Gubernatorial General Election Day is November 8, 2022. To vote in person on election days, vote at your assigned polling place.



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