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Parks & People Seeks Consultant for Baltimore Black Sox Dedication

January 6, 2023

Parks & People is seeking a consultant for Reimagine Middle Branch’s dedication to the Baltimore Black Sox. Join us for an information session Tuesday, January 10th at 10 a.m. for more info on how to apply.

A message from our president:

On August 1, 2022, Parks & People, in partnership with the South Baltimore Gateway Partnership, issued a RFP for a consultant who can lead the effort to honor the Baltimore Black Sox. We were pleased by the number of inquiries and comments we received. In total transparency, the comments, questions, and suggestions were so substantive that we decided to revise the RFP and reissue it. Your comments made it clear to us that our primary goal of honoring the rich African American history found in and around Westport was not evident in the original RFP.

Therefore, this email contains the revised RFP. We seek a consulting team who will not only embrace our passion to honor the aforementioned history, but can also help us to realize this vision. Since 2018, P&P has been in collaboration with South Baltimore Gateway Partnership (SBGP), Baltimore City’s Mayor’s Office, Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks (BCRP), Baltimore City Department of Planning and a number of community leaders, elected officials, and residents in an intentional effort to honor the history of Westport’s persons of color.

As it relates to this RFP, the Westport community was also home to Negro League teams in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Although these teams operated under different names and owners, the most famous and successful team was known as the Baltimore Black Sox. At times during their tenure, Westport was their home and thousands of diverse fans would come to watch them play. Therefore, the intentionally about which this document spoke earlier, is centered in honoring the African Americans who have called and still call this area home, and the intentionally is centered in honoring the Baltimore Black Sox.

If you or someone you know is interested in the full RFP to be sent to you, please reach out to


Dr. Frank Lance



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