Powder Mill Interceptor Relief Sewer Meeting in Lochearn

On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 6:00 pm, the Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation will be hosting a public community meeting to explain the Powder Mill Interceptor Relief Sewer project.
The meeting will be held at the Augsburg Lutheran Home, 6825 Campfield Road 21207.
Baltimore County’s Department of Public Works and Transportation has begun more than a mile of new sanitary sewer in the Lochearn area. A public meeting will be held at the Augsburg Lutheran Home, a National Lutheran Community, to explain the need for the project before significant excavation begins. The project affects several communities in the immediate area.
The project extends from Liberty Road (at the Baltimore City line) to Southern Cross Drive at Parsons Avenue. Work on the $5.7 million project began in late winter with tree removal to permit excavation for 5,621 feet of large-diameter pipe. The project should be finished in the spring of 2024.
The new line will increase pipe capacity and will help prevent sewer overflows. The project is part of Baltimore County’s agreement with the EPA to eliminate overflows and to improve an aging sanitary sewer system by building redundancy into the system.
For information call (410) 887-3531.
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