Randallstown Student Advocates for Expansion of School Lunches
Story by Bryen Glass

According to the Office of School and Community Nutrition Programs, "the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) was established to provide nutritionally balanced school lunch meals at a low cost to children each school day. Eligible children may receive meals at a free or reduced price. The program reimburses schools with federally funded dollars for meals that comply with the USDA nutrition standards. NSLP operates in Maryland public schools, nonprofit private schools, and residential childcare institutions."
Randallstown High School student, Kendall Werts, is not a vegan, vegetarian or pescatarian. In fact, she loves the meat-lovers pizza from Ledo Pizza. This year she has taken on a noble cause to get more suitable options for students who are vegetarian, pescatarian, or those who want more of the healthy selections. Kendall decided to kickstart this mission on behalf of her fellow students who, to her dismay, were really dissatisfied with the availability of food choices in school. Kendall stated, "There's never enough of the food that they can eat, and some students just can't afford to bring lunch to school every day." The meal pattern chart below shows the standard categories and quantities of food as a guide.
As an advocate of the students who felt left out, she started a petition at her school with the help of fellow students and friends to make a change. She would like for all of her fellow high school students, parents, and adults to join her on this crusade by signing her petition. Click the button below to sign the petition.
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