Religious Organizations For Faith & Blue Week Wanted

Communities are stronger and safer when residents and law enforcement professionals can relate as ordinary people with shared values, hopes, and dreams. The partners who are a part of National Faith & Blue Weekend believe we can find ways to work together around our many commonalities instead of being divided by our differences.
National Faith & Blue Weekend is made up of people dedicated to mutual understanding and collaboration. It is organized jointly by the United States Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) and MovementForward, Inc.'s OneCOP initiative and sponsored by FirstNet Built with AT&T along with the Motorola Solutions Foundation and Wrap Technologies.
The Baltimore County Police Woodlawn Community Outreach Team is looking for partners for the National Faith and Blue weekend. The Faith and Blue weekend falls between October 8-11 in 2021. Faith and Blue looks to reinforce relationships between your police officers and the communities that they serve. Past events have included community service projects such as food distribution events, community meet and greets, and various crime prevention presentations at congregations. If you are interested in sponsoring an event at your house of worship, please get in touch with Woodlawn Community Outreach Team. You can find information on Faith and Blue, and register your event at
Please contact the Woodlawn Precinct Community Outreach Team by clicking here, or by calling 410-887-4714.