Want Speed Humps, Here's How
Speeding is a Problem
Has anyone noticed a significant increase in negligent, reckless, or careless driving in the community, and on our highways? Many people that since the COVID-19 pandemic, drivers have gotten a sense that they can do whatever they want, without consequences. Community groups, and other residents have consistently complained about the excessive speeding, and disregard of traffic control devices such as red lights, stop signs, and even school crossing guards. This behavior jeopardizes the safety of everyone in the community, and causes millions of dollars of damage. In an article by the Baltimore Sun, https://www.baltimoresun.com/bs-mtblog-2011-11-aaa_puts_annual_cost_of_area_c-story.html, "vehicle crashes ran up costs of almost $4.4 billion -- more than twice the cost of traffic congestion -- in the Baltimore area in a single year according to a study by AAA."
Baltimore (WBFF) — One man is dead, two people were both hospitalized after a fatal car crash in Baltimore County Sunday morning. At about 6:30 AM on January 30, 2022, police say 22-year-old Jose Carlos Oviedo Herrera struck another vehicle head on, near the Kingsville toll booth. Herrera was pronounced dead on the scene.
36-year-old Jason Anderson and a 14-year-old boy were both transported to an area hospital for their injuries.
Check https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/tag/fatal-crash/ and you will find many news reports of serious accidents that has recently occurred. There is something that you can do.
Traffic Calming
Baltimore County now has a Traffic Calming (PDF) program that can assist residents concerned by traffic speed and safety on their neighborhood roads. Options could include traffic circles, speed humps, pedestrian refuge islands, or narrowing driving lanes with curb extensions to discourage speeders while allowing for safer pedestrian crossings.
Once you have read the policy, you can apply for calming devices in your neighborhood. Once an application is received, County traffic engineers will review and analyze the speeds and vehicle volumes in these neighborhoods.
Where needed, they will recommend traffic calming measures based on each site's characteristics and identified problems. To find out more, send an email to trafficcalming@baltimorecountymd.gov, or call 410-887-3554.
Make the Call
Call 9-1-1 immediately when see violations, especially if you reasonably believe someone will get hurt. Try to give the color of vehicle, make & model of vehicle, and also the registration plate information. Giving the street & cross street, and direction of travel is also very helpful information. This will allow police units to respond in a more timely fashion with accurate information.
Be An Example
Oftentimes, it is those who reside in a particular community who are committing these unsafe violations. It is up to every individual to make a commitment to make their communities safe. That means being an example of what we want to see. Talk to neighbors about the importance of safe driving, and how it could affect them, as well as the neighborhood.
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