Please join State Senator Charles E. Sydnor III, District 44, County Council Chair Julian E. Jones, Jr., District 4, County Administrative Officer, Stacy L. Rodgers, and the Baltimore County Department of Public Works (DPW), for an informational meeting on the improvements that are underway for Windsor Mill Road. Improvements will be done to Windsor Mill Road between Featherbed Lane and Woodlawn Drive. This project affects the communities of Maple Hill-Krone, Canroykin, Woodmoor, Hilltop, Featherbed-Windsor Park, Lawnwood-Malus and any residents that regularly travel Windsor Mill Road.
When: Tuesday April 20, 2021 at 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Where: Gwynn Oak Park Pavilion
5900 Gwynn Oak Ave
Woodlawn, MD 21207
To Register: Please RSVP to confirm your in-person or virtual attendance here:
Note: Baltimore County safety protocols will be enforced including the wearing of masks and social distancing for in-person attendance. In the event of inclement weather, this meeting will transition to 100% virtual.
Your participation, input, and feedback are essential to the plans to improve your community. We will specifically discuss the following:
Widening of the roadway
Installation of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks
Drainage improvements
Construction timeline
All adjoining property owners impacted by this project are urged to attend in order to receive updated information regarding the project. This is a capital improvement project and is being done at no cost to adjoining property owners.
For more information, please contact Rahee Famili or Angelica Daniel of the DPW Highway Design Division at 410 887-3739 or email or